tulie bakery: chocolate crémeux

today was a first for me! i've never had the chocolate crémeux from tulie bakery before. i can report: a) it was to die for b) there's nothing like it in this world and c) i'll for sure be ordering it again.

i'm having a hard time thinking of any flaws. i mean, how can you not be satisfied with a thick, rich, heavenly crémeux with small bits of HIGH quality chocolate on top, served in a glass jar?!
ok... it was a little bit on the dark side (no, no, no- this doesn't have anything to do with darth vader). i could clearly sense the presence of dark chocolate, but i don't mind dark chocolate, so it was perfect for me. if, though, you have anything against dark chocolate, well, all i can say is... this was MUCH to good for children (haha. anyone else watch matilda as a little kid?).