tulie bakery: lemon tart

oh my gosh. i can't get over this lemon tart from tulie bakery (located on 7th and 9th). i have two bites left in the box in my refrigerator and i just can't bring myself to eat them. what i'd like to do is save those mouthwatering morsels forever.

the price is $6.95 for a 4" lemon tart (a 7"tart is $21.00 and a 9" one is $35.00). this is WELL worth your money. i mean it. you will have no regrets whatsoever! at least, i didn't.

the lemon tart is a smooth lemon cream with a delectable toasted meringue topping inside of a sweet crust. i absolutely love the piping of the meringue topping! the meringue is really one of the components that makes the lemon tart stand out. it is definitely a much richer, more developed meringue.
you can thank me when you're done.